We believe in making a difference!
Giving back
When we founded Adventure Travel Networking, it was important to us that we used the voice and platform we had created for the greater good of travel. We wanted to use the opportunity to support and partner with local charity organisations that were focussed on giving back to local communities, nature and wildlife.
As owners of travel and tourism businesses it's vital that the trips we offer support communities and preserve nature and wildlife. Tourism should be a force for positive change and when we work together collectively to pay back and contribute to the welfare of local communities and ensure that tourism benefits others, that's when we all gain.
We have the power to change the places we visit and the lives of the people who live there - for better or worse.
As such we have chosen two UK based charity organisations that support local communities and wildlife, which is the DNA of adventure travel. Both these charities are actively doing fantastic work and they are ready to engage with the trade so that you can learn more about what they do and how the industry can get involved.

The Derek Moore Foundation
The Derek Moore Foundation (DMF) is a UK Registered Charity (1184761) set up to fund and support projects in small communities around the world, to promote sustainable economic growth and empowerment in such socially and economically disadvantaged communities.
The foundation aims to achieve this by providing grants to assist in the development and growth of such small community projects which promote education or sport, or nurture traditional arts and crafts or music.
For many of the projects they support, the development of sustainable tourism at a local community level is a part of their overall aim of helping to change lives.
Some key facts
The DMF work with smaller community projects that larger charities overlook
The DMF only work with existing Projects to maximise the safety of all donations
The DMF team are all volunteers so 100% of your donations goes to their Projects
Learn more about the DM Foundation, how you can nominate a local community Project that needs support and how you can donate by visiting thederekmoorefoundation.org
Derek Moore
10 April 1945 - 30 January 2023
Derek Moore sadly passed way in January 2023 after forty years working in travel and tourism. He started as a tour leader and then as co-founder of the adventure travel company EXPLORE - which allowed Derek to travel to over 120 countries, many of them in the developing world. Along with the fun and adventure that such travels brought, came the realisation of some serious truths: that education, together with support for health facilities, the nurturing of traditional art, music and crafts and the promotion of sport are all key to improving and changing lives in the disadvantaged communities of so many countries. Whilst major charities do so much good on a wider scale, help is also needed for numerous smaller community projects which is the focus of the Derek Moore Foundation.
His legacy lives on in his memoir - 'Tales of a Rogue on the Road' with stories of his 40 years in travel.

Credit: Derek Moore Foundation

Credit: Derek Moore Foundation

Credit: Derek Moore Foundation

World Female Ranger Week
World Female Ranger Week (WFRW) is the first-ever awareness week that supports female rangers, founded by registered UK charity (1186238) How Many Elephants.
We have chosen to support World Female Ranger Week, a global awareness week that celebrates and supports female wildlife rangers through awareness and fundraising. The spotlight is on female rangers around the world.
Through their patrols, snare sweeps, dedication, and skill, female rangers are protecting wild animals and helping to stop poaching. 100% of the funds raised will go directly towards the needs of female rangers, ensuring they have the facilities, tools, and support they need to do their jobs effectively and safeguard wildlife and wilderness areas. To give you an idea of how far your money will go -
£10 could buy a pair of boots for a female ranger
£25 contributes towards uniforms for female ranger teams
£50 could buy a GPS unit for a female ranger team today
£100 contributes towards upgrading a 4x4 vehicle for the rangers to use during their patrols
To learn more about the WFRW and make a donation visit https://www.worldfemalerangerweek.org/fundraisers/AdventureTravelNetworking

Credit: Brent Stirton

Credit: Brent Stirton